Let’s evaluate two simple but powerful prediction methods: the linear model fit by least squares and the \(k\)-nearest-neighbor prediction rule on a simple regression problem. We will see how the linear model makes huge assumptions about structure and yields stable but possibly inaccurate predictions. The method of \(k\)-nearest neighbors, however, makes very mild structural assumptions: its predictions are often accurate but can be unstable.

Training Data

Consider the two possible scenarios:

Scenario 1: The training data in each class were generated from bivariate Gaussian distribution with uncorrelated components and different means.

Scenario 2: The training data in each class came from a mixture of 10 low-variance Gaussian distributions, with individual means themselves distributed as Gaussian.

We first create training data for \(Y=1\), denoted by \(X_{pos}\) and \(Y=-1\), denoted by \(X_{neg}\).

mu_pos = [2,3];
mu_neg = [0,3];
sigma = [1,1.5;1.5,3];
X_pos = mvnrnd(mu_pos,sigma,100);
X_neg = mvnrnd(mu_neg,sigma,100);

Results for Least Squares

This is how least squares performs on both scenarios.

X = [zeros(200,1)+1 [X_neg; X_pos]];
Y = [zeros(100,1)-1;zeros(100,1)+1];
param = inv(transpose(X)*X)*transpose(X)*Y;

Results for Nearest Neighbors

This is how nearest neighbors performs for k=10.


We can actually develop some theory that provides a framework for developing models such as those discussed informally so far. As discussed in another post, for squared error loss function, the regression function is \[f(x)=E(Y|X=x)\]

The nearest-neighbor methods attempt to directly implement this recipe using the training data. At each point \(x\), we might ask for the average of all those \(y_is\) with input \(x_i=x\). Since there is typically at most one observation at any point \(x\), we settle for \[\hat{f}(x)=Ave(y_i|x_i \in N_k(x))\] where \(“Ave”\) denotes average, and \(N_k(x)\) is the neighborhood containing the \(k\) points in \(T\) closest to \(x\). Two approximations are happening here:

  • expectation is approximated by averaging over sample data;
  • conditioning at a point is related to conditioning on some region "close" to the target point

How does linear regression fit into this framework? The simplest explanation is that one assumes that the regression function \(f(x)\) is approximately linear in its arguments: \[f(x) \approx x^T\beta\] This is a model-based approach- we specify a model for the regression function. Plugging this linear model for \(f(x)\) into \(EPE\) and differentiating we can solve for \(\beta\) theoretically: \[\beta = (E(XX^T))^{-1} E(XY)\] Note we have not conditioned on \(X\); rather we have used our knowledge of the functional relationship to pool over values of \(X\). The least squares solution amounts to replacing the expectation b averages overs the training data.

So both \(k\)-nearest neighbors and least squares end up approximating conditional expectations by averages. But they differ dramatically in terms of model assumptions:

  • Least squares assumes f(x) is well approximated by a globally linear function. The linear decision boundary from least squares is very smooth, and apparently stable to fit. More suitable for scenario 1.
  • k-nearest neighbors assumes f(x) is well approximated by a locally constant function. Thus, it is wiggly and unstable. It however does not rely on any stringent assumptions about the underlying data, and can adapt to any situation. More suitable for scenario 2.